Monday, May 17, 2010

Rotary Club of Safety Harbor Relay for Life

I want to thank the Rotary Club of Safety Harbor, my Team Members and all the very generous people and businesses that contributed to our cause to fight Cancer. Many thanks to my team members and friends that assisted me at Relay throughout the 18 hour Relay marathon. Even my Grandson Christopher Kemp worked with his Grandmother Betty Taylor, and made a vehicle and named it "Rescue a Cure for Cancer". He participated in the Relay for Life Road to Recovery Parade. He made his Grandpa real proud.
The Rotary Club of Safety Harbor 2010 Relay for Life Team played a major role in the overall performance of the 2010 Inaugural Safety Harbor Relay for Life. Announced at the Relay by the American Cancer Society, total contributions from all teams exceeded $52,000.00 over a plan of $35,000.00. Fantastic job everyone!!! These dollars will help in the fight against Cancer

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Nurses Week 2010

Please join me in saluting nurses around the world. Our lives would be so different (BAD) without their special care.

Check out the International Space Station

Enjoy the tour of the International Space Station. Amazing video!!

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Happy News

I received an email about this website on Happy News. It doesn’t matter if you get your news from television, radio, internet, or if you’re one of the few that still read the newspaper – one thing they all have in common is that the news is overwhelmingly negative. Oil slicks, terrorist attacks, crimes – it’s all just so depressing. But we have a choice!