Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Tampa Bay and Yankee fans loose a legend, "The Boss" George Steinbrenner

I was personally saddened to hear the news that George Steinbrenner had died at age 80. Most people associate Steinbrenner as a fierce competitor when it came to winning baseball games. His winning style helped to catapult the New York Yankees to several World Series victories. Steinbrenner's penchant for making headlines was priceless for New York's competing tabloids, which gleefully turned over their back pages to chronicle the latest fired manager or free agent signing.

What most people don’t know was the generosity this man showed to many groups in the Tampa Bay Area. As quoted in the St. Petersburg Times July 14th; He left a remarkable public legacy. Look around, and his fingerprints are all over the Tampa Bay area: the Florida State Fair, the Port of Tampa, and Steinbrenner Field, where the Yankees train in spring. The Tampa Bay Rays, Tampa Bay Downs, middle school sports programs, Boys and Girls Clubs. Lights at Little League fields, a pediatric emergency center at St. Joseph's Hospital, children's concerts by the Florida Orchestra.

Steinbrenner opened his checkbook for charities that help kids from the poorest neighborhoods and for scholarships for children of police officers killed in the line of duty.

Be sure to click on the title for more information on George Steinbrenner.

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