Saturday, April 24, 2010

Safety Harbor Boat Club 2010 Bikini Cup Race on Tampa Bay

This was the second annual Bikini Cup Race that was sponsored by the Safety Harbor Boat Club.
There were 15 sailboats with all female crew racing a 5 mile course on Tampa Bay. These ladies were some tough competitors. The owner or their representative was on board for safety reasons only. The ladies made all the decisions and operated the boat.
Our sailboat,(Island Girl)an Island Packet, co-owned with my brother in-law,Richard Greenhalgh, competed in this race. All the crew proudly wore their Aflac Visors and Aflac Racing T-Shirts. After all,everyone knows a duck loves water.


  1. Loved the funny commercials and found very informative info. Great Blog!


  2. Way to fight the good fight! We all hope to see a cure for cancer soon.
    Thanks Von!

  3. Fantastic! Ladies have once again proved themselves by participating in a race sponsored by Boat Club. Ladies were the tough competitors and made all the decisions of their own to operate the boat and came out in flying colours.
