Saturday, April 10, 2010

Why you need the Aflac Financial Safety Net

I think most people in today’s day and-age understand the need for a major medical program to pay doctors and hospitals if they get sick or injured. Unfortunately many people fail to realize that illnesses and injuries don’t just impact people physically, they also impact them emotionally and financially.

What Aflac does for about 50 million people worldwide is provides them with the peace-of-mind of knowing God forbid something happens, their family will be protected against the financial hardships associated with these illnesses and injuries.

Aflac is unique in that unlike other insurance that pays someone else, like doctors and hospitals, Aflac pays the policyholder directly. We pay CASH to cover the out-of-pocket expenses such as co-pays, deductibles, experimental treatment and even for going out-of-network for treatment.

More importantly, however; Aflac provides families with the luxury of not having to worry about the financial repercussions of doing what’s in their heart, which is providing their loved ones with the much needed emotional support to get through the physical battles when it gets more serious.

Fact of the matter is that in today’s world, most families rely on every dollar that is brought in to the household. Illness, injuries and even maternities can disrupt the flow of not just the patient’s income, but the entire family. As such, Aflac’s CASH benefits are often used to pay for things like mortgage payments, car payments, grocery bills, utility bills, travel expenses, lodging expenses, daycare and more.

Bottom Line: Aflac’s programs are unique in that, unlike health insurance that pays doctors and hospitals, Aflac pays policyholders CASH to spend as they see fit.

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