Thursday, November 18, 2010

The Great American Teach-In

The 2010 Great American Teach-In, part of Pinellas County Schools’ American Education Week celebration, is Thursday, Nov. 18, at various schools throughout the county.

In its 17th year, the Teach-In continues to surprise, delight and educate the district’s students with its wide array of topics. Teach-In has become one of the most anticipated events of the entire school year. Approximately 15,000 volunteer presenters are expected this year.

Since 1994, participants have given presentations on everything from archeology to yoga. In those years, a total of 68,687 volunteers gave 179,525 presentations in Pinellas County’s public schools. They’ve come in costume, brought their equipment, put on plays, offered potentially life-saving information, performed magic, showed off their pets, demonstrated sports, discussed career options, shared precious souvenirs, performed songs and dances, and cooked delicious meals. I will visit my grandson's class and discuss insurance.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

American Cancer Society Great American Smokeout®.

Did you know that, on average, nonsmokers celebrate 10 more birthdays than smokers? In that time, nonsmokers can watch their children blow out their birthday candles ten more times.

Thursday, November 18, 2010, is the annual American Cancer Society Great American Smokeout®. If you’re a smoker, we hope you’ll take this opportunity to learn more about smoking and make an effort to quit. If you’re not a smoker, please encourage loved ones to quit so you can celebrate more birthdays with them. Get information on smoking and help with quitting at the Great American Smokeout.

Monday, November 1, 2010

It's time again to turn our clocks back

Please remember to set back your clocks on Saturday evening before you go to bed.   Officially the clocks loose one hour on November 7th at 2:00AM.  Enjoy the extra hour of sleep this Saturday night.

History of Veterans Day November 11th

What is Veterans Day;
World War I – known at the time as “The Great War” - officially ended when the Treaty of Versailles was signed on June 28, 1919, in the Palace of Versailles outside the town of Versailles, France. However, fighting ceased seven months earlier when an armistice, or temporary cessation of hostilities, between the Allied nations and Germany went into effect on the eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month. For that reason, November 11, 1918, is generally regarded as the end of “the war to end all wars.”
Veterans Day continues to be observed on November 11, regardless of what day of the week on which it falls. The restoration of the observance of Veterans Day to November 11 not only preserves the historical significance of the date, but helps focus attention on the important purpose of Veterans Day: A celebration to honor a holiday dedicated to American veterans of all wars.
It's a special time for all of us to give thanks to the many men and women and the sacrifices their families made for our countrys freedom and way of life.  A special thanks to America's veterans for their patriotism, love of country, and willingness to serve and sacrifice for the common good.

Friday, October 29, 2010

Safety Harbor Wine Festival

Food, wine and music will highlight the 9th Annual Safety Harbor Wine Festival — Saturday, November 6, 2010 — in Safety Harbor, a charming town nestled along the northernmost shores of Tampa Bay. The festival will take place on Main Street between Bayshore Boulevard and 8th Avenue from 5:00 p.m. until 11:00 p.m.

Included in the night's festivities are multiple stages of local entertainment; and, along Main Street, over 40 Fine Arts and Crafts vendors will be displaying their wares.

As a member of the Rotary Club of Safety Harbor, our club will be participating in this event.  All proceeds will benefit local civic and charitable organizations.  Please come and have fun, while helping our community.

Keeping Halloween a fun, safe and happy holiday for you and your kids

Yes, its that time of year again that we get see the children going door to door in our neighborhood showing off those great costumes.

I found a great site on the internet that provides a Halloween Safety Guide.  Be sure to check it out.  Great information on protecting you and your children.

Happy Halloween!!!!!!

Aflac Increases Benefits to policyholders with no increase in premium

Aflac recently made some significant enhancements to some of their policies. They extended coverage of children on the family plans to age 26 with no increase in premium. Health care reform was intended to ensure all Americans are protected by major medical insurance. Because Aflac is not major medical insurance, most aspects of the reform do not apply to our policies, including covering dependent children up to age 26 under a parent’s major medical policy.

As an added benefit, Aflac is voluntarily expanding coverage for dependent children on new and existing family policies to age 26 regardless of marital, IRS or student status requirements for dependents outlined in the policy. The change is effective October 1, 2010, and applies to losses that occur on or after October 1, 2010.

No action is required for policyholders whose children are covered under the current terms of their policies: Coverage automatically extends to age 26, with no increase in premium.

No action is required for policyholders with family coverage who have children under age 26 who were covered, but had lost coverage due to previous dependent rules: Coverage will be automatically extended to age 26, with no increase in premium.

For family coverage policies that require underwriting, policyholders with children who were never covered must apply for the children to be added to the policy and these children must pass underwriting to be added to the policies. If eligible, coverage will be extended to age 26, with no increase in premium.

Aflac continues to set the pace in offering their policyholders comprehensive benefit coverage while holding down the cost to policyholders.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

2011 Relay For Life of Safety Harbor, FL

Plans are now under way for the 2011 Relay for Life of Safety Harbor, FL on April 29-30, 2011 at Safety Harbor Middle School. Last year’s Relay for Life was very successful for our community in the fight for Cancer. Collectively the Safety Harbor Relay for life collected over $62,000.00. Most of this money will stay in our community and county. Here are some of the programs available, thanks to the many generous donors.

• Gift Closet - wigs, turbans, breast prostheses, ostomy supplies, etc.

• Road to Recovery - transportation for cancer patients to and from treatment

• Reach to Recovery - one on one patient visitation by breast cancer survivors

• Look Good...Feel Better - professional cosmetologist offers advice and tips for dealing with hair loss and changing skin due to cancer treatments.

• Man to Man - prostate cancer education and support programs

• Hope Lodge- free lodging during cancer treatment

• Pain relieving medication assistance

• R.O.C.K. (Reaching Out to Cancer Kids) Camp- Summer camp for children with cancer

• College Scholarships- for students with a history of cancer

As Team Captain of the Safety Harbor Rotary, I welcome the opportunity to work with the American Cancer Society again. Our team is committed to raising funds to help to continue providing the great programs listed above and to help find a cure for this dreaded disease.

Please check out my home page for more information on Relay for Life

Safety Harbor Relay for Life 2011

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Labor Day Travel: How to Avoid Traffic Jams

Well Labor Day is almost here.  If you are one of the millions of drivers planning to travel this weekend, please take your time, be careful and come home safe.  Click on the title to view an article from the Wall Street Journal.
Looks like we are having an active Hurricane Season this year.  Those traveling to the coast of North Carolina and up to New England, keep a watch out the Hurricane Earl.
Personally, I'm looking forward to the cooler weather. It's been a hot summer.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Tampa Bay and Yankee fans loose a legend, "The Boss" George Steinbrenner

I was personally saddened to hear the news that George Steinbrenner had died at age 80. Most people associate Steinbrenner as a fierce competitor when it came to winning baseball games. His winning style helped to catapult the New York Yankees to several World Series victories. Steinbrenner's penchant for making headlines was priceless for New York's competing tabloids, which gleefully turned over their back pages to chronicle the latest fired manager or free agent signing.

What most people don’t know was the generosity this man showed to many groups in the Tampa Bay Area. As quoted in the St. Petersburg Times July 14th; He left a remarkable public legacy. Look around, and his fingerprints are all over the Tampa Bay area: the Florida State Fair, the Port of Tampa, and Steinbrenner Field, where the Yankees train in spring. The Tampa Bay Rays, Tampa Bay Downs, middle school sports programs, Boys and Girls Clubs. Lights at Little League fields, a pediatric emergency center at St. Joseph's Hospital, children's concerts by the Florida Orchestra.

Steinbrenner opened his checkbook for charities that help kids from the poorest neighborhoods and for scholarships for children of police officers killed in the line of duty.

Be sure to click on the title for more information on George Steinbrenner.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

National Hurricane Center

Now that we are in the hurricane season, this link my be of value to you and your family.

Monday, May 17, 2010

Rotary Club of Safety Harbor Relay for Life

I want to thank the Rotary Club of Safety Harbor, my Team Members and all the very generous people and businesses that contributed to our cause to fight Cancer. Many thanks to my team members and friends that assisted me at Relay throughout the 18 hour Relay marathon. Even my Grandson Christopher Kemp worked with his Grandmother Betty Taylor, and made a vehicle and named it "Rescue a Cure for Cancer". He participated in the Relay for Life Road to Recovery Parade. He made his Grandpa real proud.
The Rotary Club of Safety Harbor 2010 Relay for Life Team played a major role in the overall performance of the 2010 Inaugural Safety Harbor Relay for Life. Announced at the Relay by the American Cancer Society, total contributions from all teams exceeded $52,000.00 over a plan of $35,000.00. Fantastic job everyone!!! These dollars will help in the fight against Cancer

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Nurses Week 2010

Please join me in saluting nurses around the world. Our lives would be so different (BAD) without their special care.

Check out the International Space Station

Enjoy the tour of the International Space Station. Amazing video!!

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Happy News

I received an email about this website on Happy News. It doesn’t matter if you get your news from television, radio, internet, or if you’re one of the few that still read the newspaper – one thing they all have in common is that the news is overwhelmingly negative. Oil slicks, terrorist attacks, crimes – it’s all just so depressing. But we have a choice!

Saturday, April 24, 2010

The Rotary Club of Safety Harbor Relay for Life

I am very proud to represent The Rotary Club of Safety Harbor 2010 Relay for Life Team to help fight Cancer.
As Team Captain, along with our team members;Yvette Bryant,Lynn Burks,Wayne Mineo, Betty Taylor and the support of our club, our Team together has collectively raised over $1,500.00 for Relay for Life so far.
One of our recent fundraisers, with the help of the Toronto Blue Jays, provided discount tickets to our Relay. Half of the ticket cost was returned to our Relay Team to support the fight against Cancer. We also had chances to win a cruise on Tampa Bay in my pontoon boat, Aflac's Carl Edwards Monster Car, Aflac Racing and snowboard Ducks. The winners were drawn and announced at Dunedin Stadium during a Blue Jays game. Edgar & Margaret Hanchey from Canada won the cruise. I have attached their picture taken at a luncheon at the Bahama Breeze Restaurant, during our cruise.
Aflac Corporate along with their field personel have a long history of providing support to fight Cancer. The Aflac Cancer Center and Blood Disorders Service of Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta does wonderful work to help these children affected by Cancer. Please check out thier webpage;
Please click on the Title to check out more information regarding the 2010 Safety Harbor Relay for Life. Please join us at Relay For Life on May 14th and 15th. Your donations to this great cause is certainly welcomed.

Safety Harbor Boat Club 2010 Bikini Cup Race on Tampa Bay

This was the second annual Bikini Cup Race that was sponsored by the Safety Harbor Boat Club.
There were 15 sailboats with all female crew racing a 5 mile course on Tampa Bay. These ladies were some tough competitors. The owner or their representative was on board for safety reasons only. The ladies made all the decisions and operated the boat.
Our sailboat,(Island Girl)an Island Packet, co-owned with my brother in-law,Richard Greenhalgh, competed in this race. All the crew proudly wore their Aflac Visors and Aflac Racing T-Shirts. After all,everyone knows a duck loves water.

Hurricane Tool Kit

The Florida Department of Financial Services has developed this guide to assist you and your family or business in preparation of a hurricane.
Please take the time to review and fill out this guide. It provides a valuable tool for your household and will help you document important information and provide an inventory of your personal property, should you need it.
This guide covers;
Hurricane Preparedness Tips
Emergency Information Card
Personal and Account Information
Property Inventory
I truly hope you will never have to use this tool, but should you or your family be impacted, you will be glad you have this document. Be sure to keep a backup copy at a friends or relatives home or office in another location or out of state, should you your residence/business be destroyed by a hurricane, tornado, or fire.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Why you need the Aflac Financial Safety Net

I think most people in today’s day and-age understand the need for a major medical program to pay doctors and hospitals if they get sick or injured. Unfortunately many people fail to realize that illnesses and injuries don’t just impact people physically, they also impact them emotionally and financially.

What Aflac does for about 50 million people worldwide is provides them with the peace-of-mind of knowing God forbid something happens, their family will be protected against the financial hardships associated with these illnesses and injuries.

Aflac is unique in that unlike other insurance that pays someone else, like doctors and hospitals, Aflac pays the policyholder directly. We pay CASH to cover the out-of-pocket expenses such as co-pays, deductibles, experimental treatment and even for going out-of-network for treatment.

More importantly, however; Aflac provides families with the luxury of not having to worry about the financial repercussions of doing what’s in their heart, which is providing their loved ones with the much needed emotional support to get through the physical battles when it gets more serious.

Fact of the matter is that in today’s world, most families rely on every dollar that is brought in to the household. Illness, injuries and even maternities can disrupt the flow of not just the patient’s income, but the entire family. As such, Aflac’s CASH benefits are often used to pay for things like mortgage payments, car payments, grocery bills, utility bills, travel expenses, lodging expenses, daycare and more.

Bottom Line: Aflac’s programs are unique in that, unlike health insurance that pays doctors and hospitals, Aflac pays policyholders CASH to spend as they see fit.

Aflac Poem

If you're in a wreck and break your neck

If you get ill and someday you will

If you get hurt and cannot work

If you need to pay your bills or buy your pills

We know it's not funny so we send you money

Don't run out of luck turn to the duck

Call Aflac 727-492-3301

Construction Workers need Aflac

Teachers Love Aflac

Soccer Moms with the Aflac Duck

Can you cover those out of pocket expenses associated with an accident?

We all know accidents happen! The National Safety Council stated the following, regarding injury facts.
  1. Unintentional injuries are the fifth leading cause of death overall and first among persons in age groups from 1 to 44.
  2. On the average, there are 13 unintentional-injury deaths and about 2,650 disabling injuries every hour during the year.
  3. A disabling injury occurs in the home about every four seconds.
  4. In 2003 about 35% of all hospital emergency department visits in the United States were injury-related.

Many people today, due to the high cost, simply do not have medical insurance, or if they did, their co-payment or deductibles can be extremely high. There is an option available which can pay cash directly to the policyholder, should an accident happen. That option is, Aflac’s Personal Accident Indemnity Plan.

Personal Accident – Level 2 Provides 24/7 coverage for the entire family. If you get hurt on or off the job, you’ll need CASH to pay your bills. The plan provides you that cash. At work, at school or at play, accidents can happen anytime to anyone.

Also, after you have had this plan for (12) months, Aflac will pay you $60.00 towards your next annual “wellness” visit, to encourage you to visit a physician. The plan also pays the following benefits:

  • $135/$80 Emergency Treatment Benefit Adult/Child
  • $40 Follow up visit
  • $1,650 Hospital Confinement Benefit
  • $500 Daily Hospital Benefit
  • Up to $13,750 Lump Sum Injuries Benefit
  • $225/$1,650 Allowance for Ambulance Benefit Ground/Air
  • $60 Wellness Benefit. This benefit kicks in after the 1st year
  • Accidental Death & Dismemberment Benefit
  • Common Carrier – Insured and Spouse $275,000.00
  • Common Carrier – Child $55,000.00
  • Other Accidents – Insured and Spouse $82,500.00
  • Other Accidents – Children $27,500.00
  • Guaranteed Renewable for your lifetime, Plus much more!

Refer to Policy for Complete Description of Benefits, Limitations, and Exclusions

For as little as $38.10 per month for an individual or $59.70 per month for a family, paid conveniently by a bank draft or credit card, you can have the added financial protection.

Accidents are not planned, but policyholders can be prepared if one occurs. Now, more than ever it is important to provide you or your family a financial safety net. Please give me a call at 727-492-3301, so that we can set up an appointment to discuss the many features and benefits of Aflac’s Personal Accident Plan.